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September 8, 2022

Member Spotlight - Reagan Vance

This month we highlight a true Cityside Day 1 OG and Gym Mom.Tell Us About Yourself:

Hi! Gym Mom here! I am originally from Lake Charles, Louisiana, but have been a proud Houstonian, and more importantly a proud Texas A&M Fighting Texas Aggie for most of my life, so I like to call myself a Coonass Texan. I am a sales account manager for Waste Management, (yes, the trash company) and have been there for going on 12 years, so am happy to known as a trash lady. My hobbies include this gym, wine, books, and dogs. I'm known for my love of happy hours, and my hatred for staying out late. Please don't ask me to do anything past 7pm, because I need to be home by 9.

How Long Have You Been A Member And How Did You Get Started At Cityside? I am proud to say I am the longest standing member of Cityside, or the "OG" if you will. I was here when they opened the doors 9 years ago to support my high school friend (Ryan Barker's) new gym, and just never left! You can find me and my dog Charlie in the noon class, pretty much all of the time.

What Do You Enjoy Most About Cityside? The people! I can honestly say that over the past 9 years, I have met some lifelong and invaluable friends, and continue to do so today! I competed in a CrossFit competition my second week as a Cityside member, and the whole gym showed up to support me, even though some of them didn't know who I was yet. I knew then that this was a community I wanted to be a part of.

What Goals/Accomplishments Have You Achieved Since Joining?My biggest accomplishment would have to be completing muscle ups during an Open workout. That was a big day for me! I'm also pretty proud of my 260 back squat.

What Are Your Future Goals/Plans?I keep saying I don't think I can get any stronger because I'm "just the gym mom now", but Jonathan's programming keeps proving me wrong. So who knows what this old lady has left in her?!? As long as I keep showing up, I know something good will happen.

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